Writing A Book Report Story No. 3

Short Story No. 3

Marby Villaceran
The story entitled "Sinigang" was written by Marby Villaceran is a type of non-fiction story. The story was nice it took place Bulacan. The era is a bit trendy but still behind when compared today. The atmosphere in the story was great especially that it included creative and meaningful conversation between the characters in the story.
The story was about a girl who is very obedient and talks about her reaction to the death of her half-brother while helping her aunt make a stew or "Sinigang" for dinner. I like the girl in the story. The curiosity of her frequently asking a question and interrogating somebody just to get a information makes her the girl full of curiousness. I like her being a anxious type of girl because aside from the give negative side of being anxious, it will sometimes offer you a positive ideas like you are already figuring a way on what would be your next step in doing something. It also develops your critical thinking skills and the ability to weigh your decision as well. As they prepare the ingredients for the stew, he felt discomfort when meeting the mother of her step-brother due to this incident, the way he treat her father become different now that she knows that he had a child with another women. As the story goes, the story ended up well for the girl had accepted what happened and learned to move on in life.
The moral that i had learned throughout reading this story is that, despite of what the circumstances that could surround us, we should always remain steadfast unto ourselves because the problem is not the problem itself, but sometimes our attitude towards the problem. If we encounter negativity in life, we should always think positive. We should learn also the important skill that is really needed for humanities survival, the skill of manipulating things, into our favor. Overall, the story was good and the characters as well.  


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