
Showing posts from May, 2018

Writing A Book Report Story No. 1

Short Story No. 1  Big Sister Consorcio Borje 2001 This story entitled "Big Sister" was written by Consorcio Borje. It is a type of Non-Fiction story. This story took place in a small town near Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. I have never been there but based on the story the place is great and has a simple lifestyle that just aims for survival. The place also explains the culture that can be seen in the story.  The Main character in the story were Itong and his sister, Inciang. Just basing on their names you can already tell that this story took place in a rural kind of environment. The role of this two main characters in the story was very significant its because they both stirred the story well and come up with an values injected to a reader. Lets discuss Itong, Itong in the story was the little brother of Inciang. He is the type of brother that Incian really love. He is intelligent and knows a lot about things. He is also obedient to his superiors. The downside of him as


NARRATIVE REPORT FOR MIL Election is the process of putting someone in charge by means of the majority of the votes of the people. It also serves as the decorum when assigning a leader, by means of election. Election is being used in a certain organization or even in a simple group. This is being done to ensure hierarchy, superiority and order in a system. Election is used in the Philippines when choosing a leader, we choose our President by means of election. The Government also use election to elect the members of the Cabinet. Generally, we use election for any position to be assign, may it be locally, national, regional, etc. as long as it holds and possess certain responsibility.  Today May 14,2018, we are currently on the process of electing our leaders for every Barangay's. There are two categories, The Barangay Officials and the  SK officials. The Barangay officials, is in charge for the whole barangay it may be that the SK officials are also under their umbrell

Writing A Book Report Story No. 5

Short Story No. 5 Odd Tuesday Zorlone August 21, 2010 The story entitled "Odd Tuesday" was a story written by Zorlone. It is a flash fiction type of story. The story is nice because it is has values injected in it. I like it also because he minimize the use of words, its straight to the point and his writing style was also. Maybe it just matched my kind of story that I'm looking for. The story was about a Rich businessman named Alfred who gave a dollar to an unknown beggar who is begging him for money because he haven't eaten 6 meals already.  The setting in the story took place in a Bank in which the two characters in the story met. I had been to a bank but never had been encountered a beggar outside of it and never given a single penny to a beggar. I don't go often to a bank for I don't have a bank account however, a bank is always clean and has a nice scent inside that's why I love to enter a bank.  The main character in the story was A

Writing A Book Report Story No. 4

Short Story No. 4 The Summer I Learned to Bike E.L Koh 2000 The story "The Summer I Learned to Bike" is written by E.L Koh. This is a type of Non-fiction and is based on a true story. The story was an experience of E.L during his childhood days. To be honest, i think this is the story that i had fully understand so far maybe because it matched my taste when it comes to reading, the choice of words was so explicit and me as a reader could really relate unto what he is narrating. Forgot to mention that this story was simply narrated by the author himself. The story took place in Avenida, Rizal. The story started with a little nostalgic, recalling the history of Manila during the Liberation of Manila from Japanese that has ended. He narrated about what happened to his life. Highlighting the gist of the story that he was called to joined in the "looting" in Azcarraga by his friend "Pitoy" and by the way the author's name in the story was "Tony&

Writing A Book Report Story No. 3

Short Story No. 3 Sinigang Marby Villaceran 2001 The story entitled "Sinigang" was written by Marby Villaceran is a type of non-fiction story. The story was nice it took place Bulacan. The era is a bit trendy but still behind when compared today. The atmosphere in the story was great especially that it included creative and meaningful conversation between the characters in the story. The story was about a girl who is very obedient and talks about her reaction to the death of her half-brother while helping her aunt make a stew or "Sinigang" for dinner. I like the girl in the story. The curiosity of her frequently asking a question and interrogating somebody just to get a information makes her the girl full of curiousness. I like her being a anxious type of girl because aside from the give negative side of being anxious, it will sometimes offer you a positive ideas like you are already figuring a way on what would be your next step in doing something. It also

Writing a Book Report Story No. 2

Short Story No. 2 Meeting Consorcio Borje 2000 The story is entitled "Meeting" written by Consorcio Borje it is a type of Non-Fiction story. The story was nice. The story revolved in two characters. The boy and the girl. The boy in the story is new in the town. He went to that town to pursue his college. He met this girl who he seem to be joyful and polite. The two of them remained friendly and throughout the years, remained polite and interested to each other. The Good side of the girl in this story is that he tries to inject spiritual values to the boy. Often times they meet at the church and the girl tries to make story or parable in the bible. The boy love her when she is like that that's why he fell in love with him.  Eventually, their relationship were lost due to lack of communication. The boy pursued his studies. He focused so much not giving attention to the girl but one day she was shocked when the two of them bumped to each other. They talked and bragge

Entry No.5

1. Sample questions from the Learners: 1.1. Why did he jump off  NLEX ? Answer: It was not stated in the report that why did he jumped off, but basing on my own perspective, I think he jumped off its because he wants to commit suicide to escape reality's downside. He might  be suffering different problems that forced him to jumped off. 1.2. Was he suffering from psychological difficulties? Answer: Yes, it is possible that he is suffering from any psychological difficulty since it is one of the reason why people commit suicide. Having this kind of disorder is just one of the contributing forces that pushes someone to kill their self. 1.3. Did he suffer problems with the factory he's working in? Answer: It is possible that he is suffering from a serious problem brought by the factory that he's working in. He might be depressed or has been deprived of happiness because he doesn't love his job. You know what they say, not loving your job could cause you to be



Ethics in Media Information Short Video

CIME video - winner of the 2011 media ethics short video contest REFERENCE:

Entry No, 4

READING IS LIFE Reading is important in our life, we gain more knowledge by reading various books. Some persons write their personal experience as their book and share a lot of ways to solve various problems. We will find solution for our problem while reading this book and process it in our real life to come out from our problems. With different technologies arising day by day, we people tend to be more searching the internet for some new ideas and information well in fact it is still much more efficient to search what you are looking for in a book. The internet is not organized many ideas are still not verified or sometimes we are getting tricked by false information or fake news to avoid that instead of looking it up on the internet, if you have the privilege to seek the info's in the library, then grab that opportunity and start looking. The quality of information in the internet is not really that qualified to be considered reliable. Quality control is not achieved on

Entry No. 2

1. Guide Questions: 1. Why did the  Noli Me Tangere  have such a big impression on the narrator? Could you relate to the narrator's experience of reading? Why or Why not? Answer:  It had such a big impression to the narrator after reading it for he felt that he needs to be compassionate about what happened way back then. There are also kinds of people who can easily relate to some experiences and I'm one of them because me as a person could easily relate to some relative experiences. 2. Have you ever felt the same about a book that you had read? What book was it? Why did it leave such a huge impression to you? Answer: I haven't really read a book or any kind of literature work of art but if I do, I can say that I could relate to it if its aligned with my type of interest when choosing a topic. 3. Do you think a book can ever elicit such a strong response in the Philippines? Answer: I think that it cannot elicit such a strong response mainly because if we would t

Entry No. 3

Examples of a Book that was banned. \ 1. The Call of the Wild Jack London's 1903  Klondike Gold Rush-set adventure  was  banned  in Yugoslavia and Italy for being "too radical" and was  burned  by the Nazis because of the author's well-known socialist leanings. -I cannot totally agree with banning of this kind of book but one thing for sure there would be still a positive and negative effect either we ban it or not. 2. The Grapes of Wrath Though John Steinbeck's 1939 novel, about a family of tenant farmers who are forced to leave their Oklahoma home for California because of economic hardships, earned the author both the National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize, it also  drew ire  across America because some believed it promoted Communist values. Kern County, California—where much of the book took place—was particular incensed by Steinbeck's portrayal of the area and its working conditions, which they considered slanderous. - I would agree tha